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Welcome to A Spot Of Elegance Stud!


We are a small stud farm in the heart of the Swartland breeding arguably the most well rounded breed of horse - the Knabstrupper.

*To learn more about this wonderful breed, please visit the Knab history page.


Our journey started when I happened upon a picture of what looked like a very stocky Appaloosa and learned that they were in fact, in essence, a breed of Warmblood.

Intrigued, I researched the Knabstrupper for hours! And so began my love affair with the spotty warmbloods from Denmark.


The desire to breed this wonderful spotty horse provided the perfect excuse to buy a farm, something my family and I have been dreaming of for ages.


We imported our foundation stallion in 2013, bringing him home on 15 Feb 2013 at the tender age of 10 months old.

He is the only KNN licensed fewspot Knabstrupper stallion in South Africa.

**KNN is the main stud book for Knabstruppers and is based in Denmark.


Once we settled into the farm, it was decided that we need to acquire a Knabstrupper mare so that we may breed a more pure line.

A quick visit to Denmark, around 12+ horses visited, driving just about from east coast to west coast and we came home SUCCESSFUL!


I spotted (pardon the pun) Nørgaards Daydreamer on an online horse sale website a few months before our visit to Denmark, and inquired about her.

On paper she was perfect, but we weren't quite ready to buy anything yet.

While finally in Denmark, we visited a yard to see a stallion for potential future breeding, we happened to walk in to a horse in cross ties being tacked up. She pricked her ears and nickered when we walked in. She was beautiful...and looked familiar... It was Dreamer! And she was still for sale!!

I was given the opportunity to have a ride on her and three trot strides in, I was head over heels.

Dreamer arrived in Cape Town in July 2017 :)


We are very proud of our exceptional quality breeding stock and look forward to growing our stud. Our main goal in any and all of our breeding plans, is to first and foremost breed for TEMPERAMENT. Our first foals are due this year, 2018, and we are beyond excited to meet the babies, increase the number of Knabs in the world and to see more Knabs in the show ring in South Africa.



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